Get help if you’re behind with your energy bills Get temporary credit If you’ve run out of gas or electricity, your energy supplier should give you temporary credit if you can’t top up, for example because: you can’t afford it you’re having problems topping up Your supplier might add the temporary credit to your meter[…]
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Consumer Awareness Campaign: 16 – 22 October Consumer Awareness is an annual campaign aiming to: Raise awareness and understanding with consumers on how to shop wisely, what to look out for, and what to do if things go wrong Educate consumers on their rights, particularly when shopping from online marketplaces Empower consumers to seek a remedy if things[…]
Wow! A huge thank you to our volunteers and staff who participated in the Guildford Legal Walk in June this year. Together with your support they raised a significant sum for Citizens Advice South West Surrey.
Navigating separation: How Citizens Advice makes the journey easier
News, Relationships Oct 01, 2023
Separation from a partner is undeniably tough. Advisers in Citizens Advice know how traumatic it can be for people to end a relationship. At this time of year, we often see a spike in people contacting us for advice about how to separate from their partner. The difficulties of making life-changing decisions combined with the[…]
Do you need information about managing someone else’s affairs? You might also want someone else to manage your affairs for you? “Managing someone else’s affairs can mean a number of things, including: looking after their bank accounts, savings, investments or other financial affairs buying and selling property on their behalf claiming and spending welfare benefits[…]
There are many ways to borrow money so it’s important you look into the different options before you borrow. It can help you check what’s best for you. Click here to discover more about the types of borrowing at our national website: Payday loans Plastic cards Loans Hire purchase and conditional sale If you’re struggling[…]
Universal Credit is a benefit you can claim if you’re on a low income or unemployed. “It might be worth claiming Universal Credit if: you’re struggling to pay the bills you’ve lost your job and have no income your income has dropped but you’re still working you have a disability or illness that stops you[…]
Not all holidays are plain sailing! You have the legal right to claim compensation from the airline if your checked-in luggage is delayed, lost or damaged. Discover more at our national website. What about accommodation in other countries that you can no longer get to because of your flights being cancelled? See our online[…]
Report from Citizens Advice: ‘Playing Catch-Up: The impact of delayed health assessments for Personal Independence Payment.’
Campaigns, News Sep 06, 2023
At Citizens Advice we’re seeing more people than ever before who need help with an issue related to PIP. Nationally, just under half a million people are waiting for a review of their PIP award. “Rising levels of ill-health in the UK combined with increasing cost of living pressures mean record numbers of people are[…]
If you’re on a low income, you might be able to get help with some of the costs of sending your child to school, including school meals, transport and uniform. Disover more at our national website about the following: Getting free school meals Getting help to pay for activities and uniforms Applying for help[…]
With the recent rise in the cost of living, housing costs (rentals and mortgages) are increasing along with utility and food bills. Nationally, Citizens Advice is seeing record numbers of clients seeking debt advice and many more of them are finding that their debts are increasing at the end of each month. CRAIG* CAME TO[…]
Here are some photos of our team here at Citizens Advice South West Surrey at a recent community event. You can see our team chatting to people, our partners such as Guildford Borough Council and Home Start, local councillors and the Mayor of Guildford Councillor Masuk Miah, about our services and how we can work[…]
Hidden debt scandal – how profit-making firms and unsuitable ‘solutions’ leave people in deeper financial trouble. Citizens Advice advisers at the frontline are sounding the alarm, as a sector-wide survey of more than 560 of our national debt advisors found that 84% said they have spoken to clients in failed or unsuitable Individual Voluntary Arrangements[…]
Discover more about the National Mimimum age Visit HM Govenment website for details Need help with a range of everyday issues such as housing, benefits, employment, family, debts, consumer, etc? Contact us for free advice: Citizens Advice South West Surrey CONTACT DETAILS Call Adviceline (free) to speak to an Adviser: Waverley 0808 278 7980 Guildford[…]