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You might be able to pay less council tax or not pay it at all depending on your circumstances. You might be able to get: discounts – for example, for a single person or an empty property Council Tax Reduction (CTR) if you have low income a different reduction if you can’t get much CTR[…]

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Check if a change affects your Universal Credit If you receive Universal Credit and there are changes to your work, money or family life this can affect how much Universal Credit you get and you must report your ‘changes of circumstances’.   Visit our national website to see what some of the main changes can[…]

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Universal Credit is a benefit you can claim if you’re on a low income or unemployed. “It might be worth claiming Universal Credit if: you’re struggling to pay the bills you’ve lost your job and have no income your income has dropped but you’re still working you have a disability or illness that stops you[…]

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If you’re on a low income, you might be able to get help with some of the costs of sending your child to school, including school meals, transport and uniform. Disover more at our national website about the following:   Getting free school meals Getting help to pay for activities and uniforms Applying for help[…]

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You might be able to get Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) if you have difficulty working because you’re sick or disabled. This is called having ‘limited capability for work’. Visit our national website for more details: Check if you can claim Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Check what type of ESA you can claim Check[…]

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