You’ll need to consider a number of things when you’re looking for a home to rent. Deciding whether to rent from a landlord or letting agent Searching for a property If you get Housing Benefit or Universal Credit Questions to ask your landlord or letting agent Check the Energy Performance Certificate What checks will be[…]
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Бажаю вам щасливого та мирного Різдва! (Wishing you a happy and safe Christmas!)
Campaigns, Housing, News Dec 01, 2022
Christmas is here and once again charities are turning their attention to those who may find themselves without a safe and secure place to call home over the festive season. But this year there is a new group of vulnerable people joining those who are homeless, or under threat of becoming so. Back in March,[…]
Moving into private rented student accommodation? Check out our tips
Campaigns, Housing, News Sep 21, 2022
If you’re not in university housing, you’re probably renting privately or you’re a lodger. You have the same rights as any other private tenant or lodger – but there are special rules about council tax for students. Discover more about the following topics at our national website by clicking here. Renting privately What rights do[…]
If you have rent arrears you risk losing your home… however, Citizens Advice may be able to help. You’ll be in ‘rent arrears’ if you fall behind with your rent payments to your private landlord or letting agent. Although dealing with rent arrears can be tough, you should take action as quickly as possible. If[…]
You may be able to get support with your housing costs You might be able to get benefits or grants to help you with the cost of renting from a private landlord or through a letting agent. It’s important to work out what you’ll need to pay before you move in, so you’ll know if[…]
How to get repairs done if you’re privately renting Your landlord is responsible for most major repairs in your home Your landlord has to make sure your home is safe to live in You’ll be responsible for minor repairs, eg. changing fuses and light bulbs Discover more at our national website including the following topics:[…]
A home of one’s own? For many the word ‘homeless’ conjures images of sleeping bags in shop doorways, but although rough sleeping is a very real and serious issue, it isn’t the only scenario. People can find themselves homeless or threatened with homelessness at any time in their life, and for many different reasons. Nor[…]
Renting with other people – What you need to know about temancy agreements
Campaigns, Housing, News Feb 02, 2022
A joint tenancy means that you’re all individually and jointly responsible for the terms in the contract. So if one person doesn’t pay their rent, the rest of you will have to make up the shortfall. Find out more at our national website. Typical tenancy arrangements If you share accommodation[…]
“I’m moving into a shared house with friends for the first time in the New Year. What should I look out for when I move in?” Renting a house with friends is usually an exciting time. Most landlords are reasonable people who look after their properties and tenants well, but it’s always a good idea[…]
You don’t have to be sleeping on the streets to be considered homeless
Campaigns, Housing, News Dec 20, 2021
You don’t have to be sleeping on the streets to be considered homeless. Check if you can apply for homeless help. You can apply to the council to get somewhere to live if you’re homeless or you’II become homeless within 8 weeks. For more information, visit our national site If you want[…]
Whether you’ve been renting for a while or you’re just about to start renting for the first time, it can be complicated! @CitizensAdvice have you got you covered. Check out these key renting terms WhatYouDidntLearn For more information about issues with rent, including eviction notices, visit our national website Citizens Advice Waverley CONTACT DETAILS Call[…]
Renting somewhere to live starts with finding somewhere that’s suitable and affordable, but it also helps to have a good understanding of your tenancy agreement so that you know what to expect and where to go for advice if something goes wrong. There’s lots of useful info on renting on Citizens Advice website! Know your[…]
The government announced the bailiff enforced eviction ban would not be extended and will now come to an end on 31 May 2021. This means that from 1 June 2021 where a final order of possession has been made (regardless of the ground on which possession was ordered) and on a landlord’s application, warrants of[…]
For many of us the pandemic has meant that we have had to make difficult decisions about how best to take our lives forward. One of our priority decisions is how to keep a roof over our head. For those who have been affected by the disease itself or by the fallout such as unemployment,[…]
New Citizens Advice research finds that: 7% of the English population is behind on council tax Some groups are affected by council tax arrears more than others 33% of people on zero-hours contracts are behind on their council tax 22% of disabled BAME people are behind on their council tax Find out more If you[…]