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If you’ve been struggling to keep up your mortgage payments, you may have started to build up a debt. This is often called mortgage arrears.    “Mortgage debt is rising – from about £3,000 in 2019 to nearly £6,000 now.   “This is an average, many people have much higher debt”… Emer Demeza Sheehy, national[…]

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If you’re behind on your rent payments, you should do three things  Check you owe the right amount of rent  Speak to your landlord to agree on repayment  See if you can claim benefits to top up your income. Read more at our national website (click here) Do you need help with a range of[…]

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You’ll need to consider a number of things when you’re looking for a home to rent. For example whether to rent from a landlord or letting agent and the best way to search for a property. You also need to think about what questions to ask your landlord or letting agent so you don’t lose[…]

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When you fall behind on rent payments to your landlord or letting agent you’ll be in ‘rent arrears’. It can be tough dealing with it but it’s important you take action as quickly as possible.   Our advice can help.   Discover more at our national website. Click here.   Check who has to pay[…]

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Veronica was already struggling with the cost of living crisis. So when she needed to find an extra £150 each month for her increased mortgage payment, her budget couldn’t cover it. She’s now over £30 short each month. “In January, Veronica* suddenly found her budget impossible to balance. Her fixed-rate mortgage came to an end[…]

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You might be able to pay less Council Tax or not pay it at all depending on your situation. You might be able to get: discounts – for example, for a single person or an empty property Council Tax Reduction (CTR) if you have low income a different reduction if you can’t get much CTR[…]

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If you have rent arrears you risk losing your home… however, Citizens Advice may be able to help. You’ll be in ‘rent arrears’ if you fall behind with your rent payments to your private landlord or letting agent. Although dealing with rent arrears can be tough, you should take action as quickly as possible. If[…]

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