Don’t face debt alone. For information about how to: Deal with your debt problems Avoid losing your home Get your finances into shape Visit our national website. Contact us for free and confidential advice about your money problems. Citizens Advice Waverley CONTACT DETAILS Call Adviceline 0808 278 7980 (free) to speak to an Adviser Leave[…]
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CA Waverley
Is Universal Credit for you? You can apply for Universal Credit if you are on a low income or unemployed – see Universal Credit website. You will usually only be able to claim Universal Credit if you are aged 18 or over, but some people aged 16 or 17 can get it, depending on[…]
New – “no blame” divorce. Do you know about the new 2022 divorce law which will end the blame game? In the New Year we often get a lot of enquiries about relationship breakdowns. There will be fundamental changes to the divorce process from 6 April. You can find more information on the Government’s website.[…]
Do you know about grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills?
Benefits, Campaigns, News Jan 01, 2022
Do you know about grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills? The energy price cap increased by 12% in October last year. This means that standard tariffs could rise by £139 per year with prepayment customers paying even more. Dame Clare Moriarty, Chief Executive of Citizens Advice, said “This is a hugely[…]
“I’m moving into a shared house with friends for the first time in the New Year. What should I look out for when I move in?” Renting a house with friends is usually an exciting time. Most landlords are reasonable people who look after their properties and tenants well, but it’s always a good idea[…]
Christmas and New Year opening hours We wish everyone in the Waverley community a very Merry Christmas. All our offices will be open ‘as normal’ until Thurs 23rd December. We will then close at 2pm until Tues 4th January, when we will re-open 10am-2pm. It is important that you check check the latest opening times[…]
You don’t have to be sleeping on the streets to be considered homeless
Campaigns, Housing, News Dec 20, 2021
You don’t have to be sleeping on the streets to be considered homeless. Check if you can apply for homeless help. You can apply to the council to get somewhere to live if you’re homeless or you’II become homeless within 8 weeks. For more information, visit our national site If you want[…]
Why it is important to make a will It is important for you to make a will whether or not you consider you have many possessions or much money. It is important to make a will because: if you die without a will, there are certain rules which dictate how the money, property or possessions[…]
If you’re deciding whether to resign from your job, it’s important to understand all your options first. Resigning might feel like a good option if you’re being treated badly at work. However, it’s a big step and it’s important to think about all your options first. You could try to solve the problem a different[…]
It’s great to make eco-friendly decisions, but it’s even better to make them in a safe and savvy way. If you’re looking to be a more environmentally friendly consumer – whether that’s buying eco-friendly products or making your home more energy efficient – it’s important to make sure you can be confident in your decisions.[…]
A big thank you to stallholders and everybody who attended the Charity Arts & Crafts Fair at Elstead Cricket Pavilion on Sunday 21st November for some seasonal shopping. The Fair was organised by our Trustee Sue Briggs (thank you Sue!) in support of our South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Service (part of Citizens Advice[…]
Thinking of using ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ this Christmas?
Campaigns, Consumer, Debt & Money Dec 06, 2021
Thinking of using ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ this Christmas? Here are 5 things you need to do first… discover more at this TikTok video. And you can get more advice about debt and money by visiting our national website. You can also contact an adviser in our team at Citizens Advice Waverley. Citizens[…]
Do our advisers have a magic wand? Well, no, but they do have access to a very wide range of information about national and local services. They have expertise in advising about them and in ways of getting that information to you. David found this when he came to visit his parents whose health had[…]
Christmas is around the corner but will the parcel market deliver? According to Citizens Advice, more than 5 million people had their parcels lost or stolen last year, with complaints about parcel deliveries tripling since before the pandemic. Citizens Advice is warning urgent action is needed across the parcel delivery industry after its first annual[…]
Domestic Abuse happens in South West Surrey. It’s probably happening in your neighbourhood. Some of it will be behind closed doors and much of it to and by people that you would not expect. Rates in our area have increased over the past few years. Read how our South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Service[…]