The deadline to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme is 30 June If you’re an EU or EEA Citizen, our advice can help you with your application. Find out more about staying in the UK if you’re from the EU. Please contact us if you need free, confidential and independent advice about your individual circumstances.[…]
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2.5 million people are behind on their broadband bills This comes at a time when people are more reliant on broadband to work and help their children with schoolwork, with UK adults spending an average of 22 hours online each week. Dame Clare Moriarty, Chief Executive of Citizens Advice, said: “Broadband is not a luxury,[…]
Are you an EU National? If you want to stay in the UK apply to the EU Settlement Scheme NOW – if you haven’t already done so. You usually need to apply if you’re from a country in the EU, EEA or Switzerland. Or you could be from another country and you are the family[…]
The @CitizensAdvice star rating ranks domestic energy suppliers on customer service. Watch video to see the top 5 and bottom 5 energy supply firms. Read here about how we’ve updated and improved our ranking to help you understand how energy suppliers treat their customers. If you want free, independent and confidential advice, please contact us.[…]