There are grants and benefits that might help You might be able to get help if you’re struggling to afford your energy bills or top up your prepayment meter. The help you get depends on: How you pay for your energy The type of energy you use If you claim benefits Find out more at our[…]
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Debt & Money
Managing mortgage payments can help you stay in control of your finances We can support you with: Planning your budget Dealing with mortgage increases and income drops Knowing what to do when you face difficulties Discover more at or national website. Citizens Advice South West Surrey CONTACT DETAILS Call Adviceline (free) to speak to[…]
For the past three years our advisers have seen the same pattern every winter. Colder months, higher energy usage, and more people falling into energy debt. This reality disproportionately affects disabled people. Last year, 65% of people that came to us with an energy issue either had a disability or a long-term health condition. This[…]
Dealing with debt can feel overwhelming. We’re here to help you find a way forward. Visit our national website to discover lots of advice on how you can manage your payments. Topics include: Collecting information about your debts Check if you have to pay a debt Work out which debts to deal with first Check[…]
If you receive benefits, you might be able to get help with your water bills You might be able to get help if you have no income or a low income – or if you get benefits. You might be able to: pay less for the water you use apply to your water company for[…]
Tell your supplier if you need extra support If you find it hard to deal with your energy supply you could get extra help from your energy companies. You can apply to be added to your electricity network’s priority support register to get priority support for electricity and gas. For example, your suppliers might agree to:[…]
You’re responsible for the debt if you signed a contract with the credit card company. This is called a ‘credit agreement’. There are things you can do to improve your situation. Visit our national website to find out more. Citizens Advice South West Surrey CONTACT DETAILS Call Adviceline (free) to speak to an Adviser: Waverley[…]
Citizens Advice recently conducted a survey on smart meters with some interesting findings. It found that, while the majority of people with a smart meter are happy with them, 20% say that they are regularly having to provide manual meter reads. And 31% have had issues with their smart meter In Home Display (IHD). […]
Did you know you can make an informal appeal about a parking fine in certain circumstances? How to appeal depends on the type of parking ticket you have – check what the ticket says before you start. Don’t pay a parking ticket that you’re appealing. Usually, paying is seen as admitting the ticket was[…]
If you’ve been struggling to keep up your mortgage payments, you may have started to build up a debt. This is often called mortgage arrears. “Mortgage debt is rising – from about £3,000 in 2019 to nearly £6,000 now. “This is an average, many people have much higher debt”… Emer Demeza Sheehy, national[…]
If you are worried about debt and money? there are ways we can help: 1. Use our budget planner tool to understand your spending. 2. Find out if you could be eligible for financial support. 3. Get help and advice if you’re struggling to pay off debt. Visit our national website to discover more about[…]
If you’re struggling to pay your bills you should work out what’s a priority and non-priority bill
Debt & Money Mar 20, 2024
Priority bills should come first. Falling behind on them can lead to priority debt which can cause serious problems. “Talking about money isn’t always easy. So much so that 90% of young people feel uncomfortable discussing finances. It’s become ‘the elephant in the room’ for many.” Read more in our article ‘Your starter guide to[…]
We all recognise that our income doesn’t buy as much as it used to. Although inflation is coming down, that doesn’t mean that the cost of living is coming down. The cost of living is still going up, but it isn’t going up as quickly as it was last year. For a long time Citizens[…]
We’re helping a record number of people who are struggling to pay for energy
Debt & Money, News Feb 01, 2024
Price rises from January will pile even more pressure on millions of households in the UK In a world where the Cost of Living seems to rise continually, many individuals find themselves struggling to make ends meet. For some, the simple act of topping up their prepayment meter becomes a daunting challenge. In 2022, Citizens[…]
You might be able to get help if you’re struggling to afford your energy bills or top up your prepayment meter. Discover more at our national website including: Check if you can get a fuel voucher If you don’t use gas or electricity to heat your home Check if you can sign up to the[…]