We are delighted to share a photo of the Mayor of Farnham presenting a cheque to Catherine Rogan, Advice Services Manager, Citizens Advice Waverley to support our core services.
We are so grateful to Farnham Town Council for such a generous donation.

Contact Citizens Advice Waverley for free advice if you need help with a range of everyday issues such as work, benefits, housing, employment, family, debts, etc.
Citizens Advice Waverley CONTACT DETAILS
Call Adviceline 0808 278 7980 (free) to speak to an Adviser
Leave online message
Office opening details.
And for other topics, check-out our online advice about consumer issues, work problems, benefits, debts and housing issues.
South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Service contact details:
Tel 01483 898884, Email swr@swsda.org.uk
Visit our website