Request for Information

First steps – please check the information on our website here to see if this can assist you with your enquiry.

If you are unable to find your answer, please continue with the form to request information regarding your situation.

Please note – This is an information only service. We are unable to provide advice regarding a course of action through this service.

If you require specific advice on your situation, please contact Surrey AdviceLine on 0808 812 7087 or visit your local branch.

If your issue is a consumer issue, e.g. something has gone wrong with a purchase, or you are not happy with a service you have paid for, please contact Citizens Advice free consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133

If your issue is about Universal Credit and you have not yet received your first payment, please contact our free Help to Claim phone service on 0800 144 8 444

Enquiry Form

Enquiry Form

Data protection

Everything you tell us will be treated in absolute confidence and all records are stored securely. If you would like to know more about our Data Protection and Privacy policy, please click here.

Personal details

Contact details

By completing this form, you are agreeing to us replying via email. Do we also have permission to contact you via:


Enquiry details

Please can you select from the list below which category or categories your enquiry refers to:

Please can you provide as much detail as possible regarding your query and let us know what information you would like us to provide.

It would also be helpful if you could provide information about any benefits you are currently receiving, and/or if the issue relates to your potential eligibility for benefits, if your query relates to an issue with your current benefits, what action the benefit provider has taken.

It would also be helpful if you could provide information on the total amount of debt, whether you have any debt emergencies such as bailiff or court action, and/or any deadlines you have regarding any of the debts.

It would also be helpful if you could provide information regarding the type of tenancy you have, what action you have already taken regarding your issue and when that action took place. Also, whether you have any housing emergencies such as eviction, and the deadline for such action.

It would also be helpful if you could provide information about your type of employment, how long you have worked for your employer, and if your query relates to a specific issue or incident.

It would also be helpful if you could provide relevant information about your immigration status, such as the type of visa you are on, if you are looking to apply for a new visa, the visa you are looking to apply for, and information about your household situation, such as whether you are working, and have a partner or any children.

It would also be helpful if you could provide information about the structure of your family, including your marital status if relevant, or the ages of any children. Also, whether you have taken any action, such as mediation, to resolve the issue, and whether there is or has been any domestic abuse in the relationship.

It would also be helpful if you could provide information as to whether the query relates to a purchased service or product, when that purchase was made and the cost of the purchase. Also whether you have spoken to the seller or service provider to resolve the issue and their response, and what your preferred outcome is.

Please bear in mind Citizens Advice South West Surrey cannot provide legal advice, but can provide non-legal support and signpost you to legal resources.

Ensure provide as much detail as possible in the text box below and include any deadlines or key dates, if relevant.


We want to get feedback on the information we provided you with in this form. We will use this information to improve our service and inform our campaigns in a way that doesn’t identify you. If you want more detail about your rights and how we use your information, please read our privacy notice.

Can we contact you for feedback?
If so, can we contact you via