Call our freephone helpline

Surrey Adviceline 0808 812 7087

If the above phone line is closed please try our national adviceline number: 0800 144 8848. The national adviceline service is available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, except on bank holidays.

We are experiencing a very high demand for our services. We are sorry for any delay and we will respond to your query as soon as we can.

Monday to Friday, 10:00 – 16:00

What we do for you

When you first contact us by phone we will do a full exploration to understand your issue. On that call, we will try to give you all the advice and information to help you move forward with your issue. If you need further support, or have a number of issues that need further exploration or in-depth advice, we may make either a telephone or an in person appointment.

How we help

Our Advisers will research your options and look at the possible outcomes of different courses of action. They will not tell you what to do but encourage you to make your own decisions. They will help you to make informed decisions by advising on your specific needs and giving you the facts on which to base those decisions. Our staff are trained to advise on virtually any issue including:

  • Benefits
  • Work
  • Debt and money
  • Consumer
  • Family
  • Housing
  • Law and courts
  • Immigration
  • Health

Citizens Advisers Advisers use all the latest information so that you are armed with the best and most accurate advice.